Monday, April 21, 2008

Week 5 Vocabulary Terms Due Wed. April 23rd.

Find any total of 6 vocabulary terms from chapter 9 and 10 and define them. You cannot post any terms that have been posted prior to your post; so please check the blog prior to posting.


Unknown said...

Truent-One who is absent without permission, especially from school

drop out-a student who withdraws from high school after having reached the legal age to do so.a student who withdraws before completing a course of instruction.

underachievers- a student who performs less well in school than would be expected on the basis of abilities indicated by intelligence and aptitude tests.

hashish-the flowering tops and leaves of Indian hemp smoked, chewed, or drunk as a narcotic and intoxicant.

InhalantSomething inhaled. A medication, anesthetic, or other compound in vapor or aerosol form, taken by inhalation.

addict-a person who is addicted to an activity, habit, or substance: a drug become physiologically or psychologically dependent on an addictive substance, as alcohol or a narcotic.

Markeisha Carter said...

school failure- Failing to achieve success in school can result in frustration, anger, and reduced self-esteem, which may contribute to delinquent behavior
tracking- Dividing students into groups according to their ability and achievement levels
zero tolerance- Mandating specific consequences or punishments for delinquent acts and not allowing anyone to avoid these consequences
substance abuse- using drugs or alchol in such a way as to cause physical harm to oneself
cocaine- a powerful natural stimulant derived from the coca plant
crack- a highly addictive crystalline form of cocaine containing remnants of hydrochloride and sodium bicarbonates; it makes a crackling sound when smoked

adjones said...

Passive speech-A form of expression protected by the Frist Amendment but not associated with actully speaking words examples include wearing symbols or protect messages on buttons or signs.

Active speech-Expressing on opionion by speaking or writing freedom of speech is protected right under Frist Amendment to the US Constitution.

Zero tolerance policy-Mandating specific consequences or punishment for delinguent acts and allowing any to avoid these consequences.

Designer drug-Lab made drugs designed to aviod existing drugs laws.

Gateway drug-A substance that leads to use of more serious drugs;alcohol use has long been thoght to lead to more serious drug abuse.

Harm reduction-Efforts to minimize the harm effects caused by drug use.

Kimley D. Ward said...

It is impossible not to post a previous definition from Chapter 9 when there are only 10 terms in the chapter.

Kimley D. Ward said...

In Loco Parentis: In the place of the parent;rights given to schools that allow them to assume parental duties in disciplining students.

School Failure: Failing to achieve success in school can result in frustation, anger, and reduced self-esteem, which may contribute to delinquent behavior.

Tracking: Dividing students into groups according to their ability and achievement levels.

Marijuana: The dried leaves of the cannabis plant.

Anesthetic Drugs: Nervous system depressants.

Alcohol: Fermented or distilled liquids containing ethanol, an intoxicating substance.

Nichelle said...

I agree with Kimley......

Nichelle said...

Zero Tolerance Policy: Mandating specific consequences or punishments for delinquent acts and not allowing anyone to avoid these consequences.

Drop Out: To leave school before completing the required program of education.

Academic Achievement: Being successful in a school environment.

Anabolic Steroids: Drugs used by athletes and bodybuilders to gain muscle bulk and strength.

Heroin: A narcotic made from opium and then cut with sugar or some other neutral substance until it is only 1 to 4 percent pure.

Tranquilizers: drugs that reduce anxiety and promote relaxation.

Unknown said...

Mr.Williams, I did post some of the same terms, due to not enough to chose from.

Addiction-prone personality- the view that the cause of substance abuse can be traced to a personality that has a compulsionfor mood-altering drugs.

gateway drug- A substance that leads to use of more serious drugs; alcohol use has long been thought to lead to more serious drug abuse.

legalization of drugs- decriminalizing drug use to reduce th eassociation between drug use and crime.

designer drugs- Lab-made drugs designed to aviod existing drug laws.

Active speech- expressing an opinion by speaking or writing; freedom of speech is protected rights protected under the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

tracking-dividing students into groups according to their ability and achievement levels.

Anonymous said...

Randy Allen

1)school failure-failing to achieve success in school can result in fustration, anger, and reduced selfestem, which may contribute to delinquent behavior.

2)traking-dividing students into groups according to their ability and achievement levels.

3)passive speech-a form of expression protected by the first Amendment, but not associated with actual speaking words.

4)addiction-prone personality-the view that cause of substance abuse can be traced to a personality that has a compulsion for mood-altering drugs.

5)harm reduction-efforts to minimize the harmful effects caused by drug use.

6)legalization of drugs-decriminalizing drug use to reduce the association between drug use and crime.

Precious said...

Substace abuse is the use of drugs or alchol in such a way where it cause physical harm.

Addict is a person with an overpowering physical or psychilogical need to continue taking a particular substance or a drug

Anesthetic drugs is a nervous system depressants.

designer drugs are lab made drugs designed to avoid exsisting drug laws.

treunt is where the student is absent without prior permission from a parent or legal guardian.

active speech
expressing an opinion by speaking or writing freedom of speech is a protected right under the first amendment of the U.S. constitutional.

allisha said...

gateway drug a substance that leads to use of more serious drugs alcohol use has long been thought tolead to more serious drug abuse.

multisystemic treatment addresses a variety of family peer and psychological problems

legalization of drugs decriminalizing drug to reduce the association between drug and crime.

active speech expressing an opinion by speaking or writhing freedom of speech is a protected right under the first amendment

zero torelance policy mandating specific consequences or punishments for delinquent acts and not allowing anyone to avoid these consequences

tracking dividing students into groups according to their ability and achievement levels.

Scott Williams said...

Nothing is impossible Ms. Ward LOL! Feel Free to find terms that may not be "vocabulary terms" or double dip if you have to.