Monday, March 31, 2008

Week 2 Vocabulary Terms Due Wed. April 2nd.

Find any total of 6 vocabulary terms from chapter 3 and 4 and define them. You ccannot post any terms that have been posted prior to your post; so please check the blog prior to posting.


Kimley D. Ward said...

Free will: The view that youths are in charge of their own destinies and are free to make personal behavior choices unencumbered by environmental factors.

Utilitarian: A person who believes that people weigh teh benefits and consequences of their future actions before deciding on a course of behavior.

Predatory Crimes: Violent crimes against persons and crimes in which an offender attempts to steal an object directly from its holder.

Underclass: Group of urban poor whose members have little chance of upward mobility or improvement.

Strain: A condition caused by the failure to achieve one's social goals.

Socialization: The process of learning the values and norms of the society or the subculture to which the individual belongs.

allisha said...

1.choice theory-suggest that offenders are rational decision makers who choose to engage in antisocial activity because they believe their actions will be beneficial.
2.trait theory- suggest that delinquent acts are the product of personal problems and conditions.
3.general deterrence-concept holds that the choice to commit delinquent acts can be controlled by the threat of punishment.
4.biosocial theory-focuses on the association between biological makeup, environmental conditons, and antisocial behaviors.
6.learning disabilities-arrested an incarcerated children has been highlighted by studies showing that arrested and incarcerated children have a far higher ld rate than do children in the general population.
7.culture of poverty-crushing burden faced by the urban poor.
8.underclass-members have little chance of upward mobility or improvement. control-a healthy organized community has the ability to regualte itself so that common goals can be achieved.
10.relative deprivation-in communities where the poor and the wealthy live relatively close to one another.
11.gentrified- going from poor, commercial,or transient to stable, residential, and affluent.
12.strain-inhabitants of a disorganized inner-city area feel isolated, frustrated, ostracized from the economic mainstream, hopeless, and eventually angry.

Nichelle said...

Co-Offending: Committing criminal acts in groups.

Hot Spot: A particular location or address that is the site of repeated and frequent criminal activity.

Learning Disabilitie(LD): Neurological dysfunctions that prevent an indivitual from learning to his or her potential.

Cultural Transmission: The process of passing on devian traditions and delinquent values from one generation to the next.

Gentrified: The process of transforming a lower-class area into a middle-class enclave through property rehabilitation.

Negative Affective States: Anger, depression, disappointment, fear, and other adverse emotions that derive from strain.

Anonymous said...

randy allen

crackdown:A law enforcemen operation that is designed to reduce or elminate a particular criminal activity through the application of aggressive police activity, usually involving a larger than usual contingent of police officers.

criminal atavism:The idea that delinquents manifest physical anomalies that make them bilogically and physicologically similar to our primitive ancestors, savage throwbacks to an eariler stage of human evolution.

minimal brain dysfunction(MBD):Damage to the brain itself that causes antisocial behavior injurious to the individual's lifestyle and social adjustments.

labeling theory:posits that society creates deviance through a system of social control agencies that designate certain individuas as delinquent, thereby stimatizing them and encouraging them to accept this negative personal identity.

self labeling:The process by which a person who has been negatively labled accepts that label as a personal role or identity.

self fulfilling:Deviant behavior patterns that are a response to an earlier labeling experience; youths ac out these social roles even if they were falsely bestowed.

Markeisha Carter said...

neagative affective states- anger, depression disappointment, fear, and other adverses emotions that derive from strain
predatory crimes- Violent crimes against persons and crimes in which an offender attempts to steal an object directly from its holder
culture conflict- when the values of a subculture clash with those of the dominant culture
psychodynamic theory- branch od psychology that holds that the human personality is controlled by unconscious mental processes developed early in childhood
behaviorism-branch od psychology concerned with the study of observable behavior rather than unconscious processes; focuses on particular stimuli and responses to them
cognitive theory-the branch of psychology that studies the perception of reality and the mental processes required to understand the world we live in

Markeisha Carter said...

I done two more because I used two that someone else used.

social bond-ties a person to the institutions and processes of society; elemenmts of the bond include attachment, commitment, involvement, and belief
anomie-normlessness produced by rapidly shifting moral values

Unknown said...

Truly Disadvantaged- people who are left out of the economic mainstream snd reduced to living in the most deteriorated inner-city areas.

Social disorganization-Neighborhood or area marked by culture conflicts, lack of cohesiveness, a transient population and insufficient social organizations.

Social structure theories- those theories that suggest that social and economic forces operating in deteriorated lower-class areas

Deinstitutionalization- removing juveniles from adult jails and placing them in community based programs to avoid the stigma attached to these facilities.

Restorative justice- non punitive strategies for dealing with juvenile offenders that make the justice system a healing process rather than a punishment process.

Stigmatized- people who have been negatively labeled as a result of their participation, or alleged participation, in deviant or outlawed behaviors.

Precious said...

1.Underclass:Group of urban poor whose members have little chance of upward mobility or improvement.

2.Social control:Ability of social institutions to influence human behavior,the justice system is the primary agency of formal social control.

3.Transitional neighborhoods:Areas that had chenges from affluent to

4.Culture conflict:When values of a subculture clash with those of the domiant culture.

5.Specific Deterrance: Sending convicted offenders to swcure incarceration facilities so that punishment is severe enough to convince them not to repeat there previous criminal activity.

6.Situational crime prevention:A crme prevention method that relies on reducing the opportunity to commit criminal acts by making them more difficult to ferform,feducing their rewards and increasing their risks.